Program Information

Grassroots 1 

It's a twice-weekly training program designed specifically for new swimmers who are already able to swim a length without assistance.

completion of Stage 3 HSA (Hyack Swim Academy program) – or passed Swimmer 6.

**Please note that the pre-requisites are for reference only; swimmers will be put into an appropriate group following their assessment.

Grassroots 2  

This is is for swimmers capable of completing to multiple lengths. Our objective for the swimmers in these groups is ensure they learn about the basics swimming while HAVING FUN.

completion of Stage 3 HSA (Hyack Swim Academy program) – or passed Swimmer 8 / Ranger Patrol.

**Please note that the pre-requisites are for reference only; swimmers will be put into an appropriate group following their assessment.

Olympic Way White

This is the 3rd level of programming in our swim club. Here, swimmers are able to swim the freestyle and backstroke fairly well and they also are in the process of refining the breaststroke and learning the butterfly swim strokes. The main focus in this level is developing the swimmer's ability to swim the four competitive strokes to a level where they can demonstrate basic proper stroke mechanics. The concept of training is introduced at this level where they begin to use training aids such as kick boards and pull-buoys to assist in their physical development.

Our objective for the swimmers in this group is to continue the FUN aspect in every practice session started at the grassroots level. We also advance each swimmer's stroke technique, swimming speed, and overall fitness.


  • completion of Stage 3 or passed Swimmer 9 / Star Patrol.
  • Advancement from the Grassroots 2 program
  • or an assessment from the Hyack coach

Since 1973, the Hyack Swim Club has developed competitive swimming excellence from Developmental Levels to world-class competition. In doing so, we hope to instill self-discipline, leadership and sportsmanship in all the athletes who swim with us. 



The Hyack Swim Club offers Masters training programs at 2 locations:

Coquitlam and Burnaby

All swimmers are registered members of Masters Swimming Association of BC. The training is based on skill development and endurance for all 4 competitive strokes.

There are a variety of levels of swimmers ranging from serious competitive swimmers to others who are just learning and developing their strokes. Many of our swimmers compete for Hyack at MSABC Swim meets, others are at practices for fitness and fun! There are 2 main groups of Hyack Masters as listed below. Please contact the appropriate person for more info on registering, scheduling, fees, etc.


The High School group

This for swimmers who wish to do competitive-style swim training for fitness and fun.

There are no competitions. This group attracts swimmers who have been competitive and wish to keep in the sport or swimmers who are new to the sport who have a background in swimming. 

* Once a week. Only Saturdays


 Hyack Swim Academy* Program

The next HSA will start in October, 2024 - Registration dates will be published on the Hyack website in mid-September.

This progressive 3-stage lesson style program teaches the 7 major skill progressions: water safety, butterfly, breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle, entries, and turns. Swimmers will learn to put together whole skill-sets, one step at a time. This program is very open-ended and promotes the development of a swimmer rather than a "pass-fail" method.

*This program is a partnership between the City of Coquitlam and the Hyack Swim Club.

Stage 1 – Max 6  kids 

Stage 2 – Max 10 kids

Stage 3 – Max 10 kids 

Stage 1: 

Children in this stage will develop the fundamental skills needed to learn to swim. Pre-requisites: Ages 6 and 7 years old; has passed Swimmer 2 or is comfortable in the water on their own and can kick on their front and back with a kick-board. 

Stage 2:

Focuses on learning freestyle and backstroke as well as learning breaststroke and butterfly kick. To enter Stage 2, children must be comfortable swimming freestyle and backstroke in the deep-water alone as the coach does not go in the water. Pre-requisite: Ages 6 – 10 years old; completion of Stage 1 or passed Swimmer 3.

Stage 3: 

It focuses on 4 competitive swimming: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. We also work on diving and increasing their endurance as well swimming in the deep end of the pool. The coach does not go in the water.  Pre-requisite: Ages 7 – 10 years old; completion of Stage 2 or passed Swimmer 5.

General Information

  • Online registration! 
  • Swimmer age is as of the first day of registration.
  • In the Stage 2 and 3 groups the swimming is in deep water and the instructor does not go in the water
  • Due to many incidents, we would prefer that parents be in the facility when lessons are happening.  Just as a reminder children may not be on deck until 2 minutes before the start of class. We meet in the deep end area across the pool by the gray storage bin.
  • Registration coincides with municipal registration dates.
  • Sessions are 40 minutes long and run weekly for 10 consecutive weeks. Swimmers can sign up for multiple sessions.
  • New registration is not accepted two weeks after the start date.
  • Groups with less than three participants registered may be combined or canceled.
  • Children who do not meet the pre-requisites will be moved to a different stage or will be asked to withdraw.
  • We do not cancel our practices for statutory holidays on Mondays unless communicated to you otherwise.
  • Feel free to email anytime with questions. Coach Natasha receives these emails.

You do not need a Hyack assessment to register for an HSA. Everyone must register according to their age and level.

Hyack Swim Academy programs are only run at City Centre Aquatic Complex (CCAC) in Coquitlam.


For registration details and course offerings, please see the City of Coquitlam’s website or call 604-927-4386.

Questions: Coach Natasha